Organization Committee

Local Committee

  • Thomas Baudin (IESEG School of Management, LEM UMR 9221)
  • Nathalie Chusseau (University of Lille)
  • David Crainich (CNRS, IESEG School of Management, LEM UMR 9221)
  • Nicolas Debarsy (CNRS, LEM UMR 9221)
  • Quentin David (University of Lille, LEM UMR 9221)
  • Etienne Farvaque (University of Lille, LEM UMR 9221)
  • Manon Garrouste (University of Lille, LEM UMR 9221)
  • Rémi Generoso (University of Lille, LEM UMR 9221)
  • Jérôme Héricourt (University of Lille, LEM UMR 9221)
  • Claire Naiditch (University of Lille, LEM UMR 9221)
  • Raluca Parvulescu (IESEG School of Management, LEM UMR 9221)


Administrative support, logisitics and organization

  • Céline Le Suün (IÉSEG School of Management)


Contact organizing committee

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